In which countries can you kiss on the street, and in which countries you can go to jail for it

В каких странах можно целоваться на улице, а в каких за это можно угодить в тюрьму

The culture of any country has its own rules of conduct, which relate to the public display of feelings. If in some countries a kiss on the cheek is normal, in others it can lead to heavy fines and even imprisonment.

In many countries, kissing and hugging have become the norm of social life – they are perceived as a manifestation of love, friendship and intimacy.

Some of the most liberated in this regard are residents of southern European and Latin American countries.

The French are the world champions in cheek kissing. However, the correct number of kisses varies from region to region: if two kisses are often enough for Parisians, then in the north-west of France, up to four kisses can be kissed as a greeting.

In Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, in some countries Latin America, for example, in Brazil, it is also customary to kiss each other on the cheek when meeting twice.

In Mexico and Colombia believes that one kiss is enough. In In Ecuador, women are greeted with one kiss, and only on the right cheek.

In Belgium, The Netherlands or some cantons Switzerland prefer an odd number of kisses: there they kiss three times when meeting. However, a kiss on the cheek is most often only “hinted”: ideally, the cheeks do not touch and the kiss takes place in the air. 

An air kiss is another common way to greet each other. This tradition exists in Belgium, in some regions of Italy.

In the nordic countries, people are more restrained: in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland for greetings, a handshake or a slight nod of the head is enough.


In some countries, kissing and hugging in public places are unacceptable. Thus, in most countries of the Middle East, no public expression of feelings is also allowed.  

The UAE is one of the most developed countries in the world, but due to its traditions and religion prohibits citizens and tourists from public love impulses. For kissing in a public place, you can go to prison for up to ten days.

In In Qatar, kissing and hugging in public, even if tourists are officially married, can be considered an insult.

In such extremely conservative countries as Afghanistan and Pakistan, kissing in public is unthinkable. Only men usually hug to greet each other, whereas men and women are not even inclined to shake hands.


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In Egypt public kisses and hugs are not prosecuted by law, but in order to avoid conflict with the local population, in which the police may recognize a violation of public order, it is better to refrain from showing feelings .

Cheek kissing and body contact to greet other people in other Asian countries are also prohibited . Kisses in China and India are considered to be very explicit manifestations of sexuality. Even in Bollywood films, kissing is unusual and frowned upon. When a couple approaches for a kiss on camera, they hide behind the screen for a few moments before their lips touch.

In India, people usually greet each other with the namaste sign, folding their palms in front of their chests and bowing their heads.

In Thailand, the generally accepted way of greeting is to bow “wai”. In Japan, one should keep even further apart from each other: as a greeting, people bow without looking into their eyes.

Indonesia is also strict about kissing and hugging in public places. Local laws provide for imprisonment for up to ten days for those who allow themselves to kiss in public. It is also forbidden to walk holding hands.

The majority of residents of Malaysia are Muslims, in this regard for showing feelings in public places tourists face a fine of $ 75.

In some areas In Vietnam public displays of affection are considered taboo. This is especially true outside of major cities such as Hanoi and Saigon.


In France They love kissing so much that they even have to be banned in certain places. At railway stations It has been forbidden to kiss goodbye in Paris since 1910 due to delays in the departure of trains.

The ban is formally in effect until now, and, of course, it is constantly violated these days.

In London and In Vienna kissing is prohibited by the rules of travel on the subway and train. The reason is utilitarian: so that lovers in the rush of their passion do not interfere with the movement of passengers and passers-by during rush hour.

Elena Myagkova

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